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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:31 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@ImperialAgent @Mynona @Sui @burner @Codeki Probably nobody did, these vacuous bints just like to hold men in contempt as it saves them having to put down their chardonnay bottles and actually improve themselves. Also fairly sure this one is a kike. -
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AlabasterBrick ?☠️ ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:14 JST AlabasterBrick ?☠️
Miss these lads. -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:15 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@koropokkur @Decayable @Sui @burner @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona The last days of good British comedy. i really can't name a single thing we've produced here since that isn't complete cancer. ☹️ -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:16 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@koropokkur @Decayable @Sui @burner @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona I liked him in his spaced days. He's fallen far since. Hollywood and all its works and all its pomps does weird things to a guy. Fuck him, he sold his soul and won't get it back. -
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koropokkur ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:16 JST koropokkur
yep. that team was good from spaced, shaun of the dead and hot fuzz. shouldve kept that crew together. -
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koropokkur ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:17 JST koropokkur -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:17 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@koropokkur @Decayable @Sui @burner @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona He must be punished for this vile slander 😒 In conversation permalink -
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koropokkur ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:17 JST koropokkur
kind of has been
hes woke and successful, but he isnt funny anymore.In conversation permalink -
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Jean_Philippe_Micheaux ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:18 JST Jean_Philippe_Micheaux
@Grumblesock @burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona i think they'll be autistic babylon 5 fans. In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:18 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona I actually finished rewatchng B5 last week as it happens. amazing show, except that final season. Your offspring will be better people for it 🧐 In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:19 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona i tried that too and sure there are several international treaties forbidding me from doing so again. In conversation permalink -
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Jean_Philippe_Micheaux ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:19 JST Jean_Philippe_Micheaux
@Grumblesock @burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona whats worse is my mother was professional musician her mother was too. now me branch broken. In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:19 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona sometimes these things skip a generation, perhaps your own kids might be the finest musical geniuses ever known. In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:20 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona That's most kind but I've got my attention flowing into things I'm actually mostly competent at now. I do a lot of tie dye work and shibori as a side business and that satisfies my creative needs and brings in a little money too. I am an atrocious student, others have tried and thrown up their hands in utter horror, walking away muttering at the extent of my musical retardation :retarded_frog: :rave_apu: In conversation permalink -
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Jean_Philippe_Micheaux ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:20 JST Jean_Philippe_Micheaux
@Grumblesock @burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona I have no musical talent at all. cant even play a recorder In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:21 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona That sucks about the childhood friendship thing. Therapists are more than a little broken, I've found and perhaps not the best peers for a youngster, as well meaning as they may be.
Your dad sounds like one of the good sorts. Good on you, no one ever got good at a skill by magic or in giving up at the first sign of things not turning out as planned. Intuition, if you're blessed with it should be cultivated. I'm quite jealous of people with musical talents, I love my tunes but am shit at making music. That's why about 40% of my friends are musically inclined in one way or another and damned good at what they do. Vicarious living 😃.In conversation permalink -
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burner ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:21 JST burner
Yeah, I think you're right
He really is. I can try to teach you what I know, or at least point you in the direction of where to get started, if you're interested.In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:22 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona I did the psychotherapy thing for about a decade whilst on the antidepressants, it was of limited use and all the good one can get from it I truly think would come from talking with friends.
Sounds like you're doing much better and am glad to hear it. You should be proud. Artistic pursuits are also very good for the soul, I've got no artistic skill whatever but did pick up some craft skills which
really does help.In conversation permalink -
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burner ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:22 JST burner
as a kid the closest thing I had to friends were therapists lol.
Thanks man, yeah my dad told me he's proud of me recently which was amazing to hear. I don't really think I have artistic skill either, but I enjoy it so I do it. I've had some interesting conversations with a couple other musicians, and it seems like they do everything a lot more intuitively than I do. Doing things that sound right rather than just doing shit in the proper key, not having their chord progression be based off a root, etc.In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:23 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@burner @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona Man, that sucks. Doesn't sound in the slightest bit helpful, though i expect nothing but the worst from governmental schemes of any variety. I hope you're doing much better in yourself than you were then. In conversation permalink -
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burner ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:23 JST burner
Thanks so much. Yeah it didn't really help, it was basically a therapist (may have actually been a psych, I don't recall) asked thinly veiled questions and made rigorous notes, which was very offputting. I'm doing good now man. I have an okay job, haven't self harmed in over 2 years (I stopped keeping track, which is a good sign) and I've dedicated much if my free time to making art/music. In conversation permalink -
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Jean_Philippe_Micheaux ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:24 JST Jean_Philippe_Micheaux
@Grumblesock @burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona ED is better then me having to put you in a anti suicide room at the jail. So there’s some silver lining to it I guess. Shit was wacky glad you never had to deal with that side at least In conversation permalink -
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burner ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:24 JST burner
I remember having to go to some weird government appointed therapist after I tried to kill myself when I was a kid, it was super weird. They basically just asked questions confirming that I'm not a threat to myself or others twice a week. In conversation permalink -
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burner ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:25 JST burner
I luckily never got ED or anything In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:25 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@burner @Decayable @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona It's apparently common. I think I'd have preferred it to be honest. Being able to join the race and not finish was more frustrating for both parties, to my mind, than not being able to run at all. So to speak. In conversation permalink -
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Jean_Philippe_Micheaux ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:26 JST Jean_Philippe_Micheaux
@Grumblesock @Decayable @burner @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona SSRIs Scare the shit out of me. We had people come in the jail having psychotic breaks then like a switch going back to normal. Scary shit In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:26 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Decayable @burner @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona They should, more so the casual and wide spread use of them. I never had any psychotic breaks but had a whole raft of unpleasant side effects from hallucinations and serotonin shock to inability to orgasm and the worst nightmares I've ever experienced. The docs just dish them out like they were sweeties.
Some seriously evil fucks are getting very rich off of this diabolical racket.In conversation permalink -
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:shroomy: Decayable ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:27 JST :shroomy: Decayable
Getting off that shit is the best choice. Had a professional try to imply I'd be happier emotionally numb. Shut that shit down really quick. In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:27 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@Decayable @burner @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona That's how they pitch it. getting off them is a hell ride too, especially if on them for any length of time. Ditching that crap was one of the best choices I've ever made for my health. In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:28 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@Codeki @burner @Sui @ImperialAgent @Mynona This seems accurate enough, it certainly reeks of blue haired landwhale on SSRI's with a bottom-of-the-barrel tier education and unbridled daddy issues. In conversation permalink -
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burner ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:28 JST burner
I was on SSRIs for near a decade. Getting off them against my doctor's wishes was one of the best things I've done. In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:29 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@burner @Sui @ImperialAgent @Codeki @Mynona I was picking up on some post wall slam regret but it could just be undeveloped adolescent cretinism. In conversation permalink -
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Codeki :njp: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:29 JST Codeki :njp:
@Grumblesock @burner @Sui @ImperialAgent @Mynona She might also be a sophomore in college who just got a year of programming and thinks she knows everything because she’s still mad that her father kept a close eye on her growing up.
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burner ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:55:30 JST burner
that implies that she's old enough to drink alcohol In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:59:22 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@AlabasterBrick @Decayable @Sui @burner @ImperialAgent @koropokkur @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona I've got all of this on hardrives fully expecting it to get poz hammered any day soon. In conversation permalink -
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AlabasterBrick ?☠️ ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 01:59:22 JST AlabasterBrick ?☠️
For a shekel and blood libel anythings pozzable. In conversation permalink -
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AlabasterBrick ?☠️ ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 02:03:33 JST AlabasterBrick ?☠️
We are the conservators. Its up to us to keep the records. In conversation permalink -
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:foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump: ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 02:03:34 JST :foxjump: Grumblesock :foxjump:
@AlabasterBrick @Decayable @Sui @burner @ImperialAgent @koropokkur @Codeki @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux @Mynona And as the original creators die off or get old all we'll get is more gay nigger infested shit produced and the good stuff from yesteryear will be edited into being unrecognisable. In conversation permalink -
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AlabasterBrick ?☠️ ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 04:23:16 JST AlabasterBrick ?☠️
Not yet. Lol In conversation permalink -
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DutchShizoBoomer69 ('s status on Wednesday, 24-May-2023 04:23:17 JST DutchShizoBoomer69
I guess all of them dead now? In conversation permalink
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