00:07:49 "the pattern of lunge injury in this desease (covid-19) was an organising pneumonia. the gold standard mainstate treatment of which is cordical steroids. it wasn't that difficult."
they should have listened to Dr. Pierre Kory in december 2020.
the problem was that his solutions were not profitable for the pharmaceutical industry...
Pierre #Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke's Aurora Medical Center, delivers passionate testimony during the #Senate#Homeland#Security and #Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on "Early Outpatient #Treatment: An Essential Part of a #COVID-19 Solution, Part II."
"So far, I think the unwashed masses are still asleep."
i don't see them waking up any time soon...
what is sunk cost fallacy?
"sunk cost fallacy, where people justify increased investment in a decision, based on the cumulative prior investment, despite new evidence suggesting that the decision was probably wrong."
@not_br549@mk Yes. But it also caused many people to now question things they are told by "experts", when they never did before. It pissed a lot of people off and woke some zombies up. What a shit show!
So far, I think the unwashed masses are still asleep. There isn't enough political energy for a French Revolution. And once it got going, the French Revolution was an even bigger shit show -- until Napoleon . . . Why do these late-stage civilizational collapses always inspire crusades? Occupy Asia Minor, invade Russia, etc.
It wasn't just the pharma companies, they've been running scams like that for decades, four or five at least by now. They'll be just fine thankyouverymuch. If their mRNA sterilization shots got cancelled, they would have another pill for hives or whatever all patented and ready to go.
The problem was that early treatment would have pre-empted the whole WHO-etc shitshow. It wasn't just to run cover for a fraudulent election. It wasn't just to crush small business and reward WalMart. It wasn't just to kill off medicare patients. It wasn't just to implement a worldwide government. It wasn't just to test the germ war labs' ability to inflict disease on people.
I'm sure there are more items to add to the list. But it was ALL OF THOSE THINGS. I used to think it was just an Alex Jones fever dream, but here it is, all happening in plain sight.