I'm proud of you because you put the needs of calckey.social first, and sought to protect the community here. And after we found out the root cause, we got assurance from mastodonapp.uk that reports will be followed up with should they arise.
Also big thanks to @wild1145@mastodonapp.uk for reaching out and finding a solution to this. Moderating is not easy!
@wiredfire Again, this requires context. When @kainoa came across that report, I was on vacation, and he was the lone active mod. What's more, the community was tiny: little more than 200 users. He made the best decision with the information he had, and he should be applauded for caring about the young community here.
However, things have changed. We now have 6 mods taking caring of a community of 1,500 accounts. What's more calckey.social is the largest Calckey server and is the flagship.
Moving forward, we're going to make a more active attempt to reach out to other server admins should problems arise. But we'll always protect our community should push come to shove.
@atomicpoet@calckey.social honestly great to see. I have been concerned about the “de-federate now, don’t ask questions later” attitude taken by some instances often in reaction to arguably contained issues.
Moderation isn’t easy, but blanket knee-jerk blocks are as far away from the solution as can be.