@becha this is what we need. I've been suggesting it here in Aotearoa NZ since before Covid... we've been offering BigBlueButton for all to use since then.
@mpanhans@becha we're fortunate that the #FOSS world has created (at least) 2 viable video conferencing platforms. My advocacy for BigBlueButton is based on it being designed for large groups (up to hundreds) - with specific tools making it ideal in an education context - whereas, in my experience, Jitsi is focused on much smaller groups (<10) and without the ed-specific-features... But that impression might no longer be current.
@lightweight@becha I feel like it’s such an obvious and smart decision. I personally like Jitsi as a zoom replacement but whatever the application it is very clear to me that open source digital infrastructure is this massively under-funded public good
@becha it's obvious that this article hits a nerve in Germany - the "Zoom representative" has struck back quite aggressively, presumably because he feels the need to 'nip this in the bud' because if it gains support, he's out of a job. I, for one, would be quite ok seeing him, in particular, on the unemployment line.
@Ruth_Mottram@becha in my (now extensive) experience running BigBlueButton, it's easily as reliable as Zoom & it has *no* client to install (so it's *inherently* more straightforward than Zoom). Just uses a modern browser. Most people who use it with us say "why the hell are people using Zoom?". If you want to try BBB, send me a DM with your email, and I'll send you an invite to use ours (gratis). It'll be equivalent (as I understand it) to 5 organisational Zoom licenses.
@lightweight@becha In the early days of the pandemic we experimented with several tools: jitsi, zoom, blue jeans, Google Meet. We ended up with teams 😝 by ministry diktat. However Zoom was by far the easiest to use across platforms with no installation issues + multiple users I'd prefer to use jitsi by inclination but the platform was not stable enough or perhaps not enough bandwidth? You only need to waste time in a few meetings before everyone asks to use zoom.
@becha and it's fascinating to see the university lecturers who spoke in favour of Zoom... I wonder why they'd do that... I wonder if perhaps they receive some sort of reward for doing so. It'd certainly be cheap enough for Zoom to fund it...
@lightweight@Ruth_Mottram@becha I had a one week job-related training using BigBlueButton. And it worked flawless for all users all the time. So my experience with it is also really positive.