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Dracos Solaris wrote the following post Thu, 04 May 2023 22:33:41 +0200It's Not The Ruble That's Rubble It's Not Russia's Economy That's In Tatters.
> 48% Of Americans Are Worried About Their Money's Safety In US Banks, More Than During Peak Of 2008 Crisis.
Either this is being done on purpose or, the engineers of this downfall are indeed, quite inept. In either case, their supporters, the democrats, the communists, the apathetic are all in on taking the ride, over the cliff.
Either way, the system is now set so that, even if one's money stays safely in the banks and is spared by the crisis, inflation will make quick work of the devaluation or, the banks fail anyway and one's wealth, savings and money, is alas, all gone.
The Americans and their western allies love believing in lies. Lies are probably more palatable than the truth. The truth is, when faced with the impending inflationary attitude, the unstable financial ground, the bursting of the housing bubble and the soon to be looming unemployment, the recession and depression, the heads of states, the politicians and the deep state entrenchments, denied it all. They used their apparatchiks in the state run media and entertainment industry, to bully any dissent and labeled them disinformation, insurrection and Russian propaganda. It has worked, they've lost no support and they still have their fans and backers who continue to fiddle, whilst the empire burns around them.
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Certainly not. Thirty two plus trillion dollars means, that the only spending, congress will be doing soon, is paying trillion dollar interest payments yearly. Even with these high interest payments, they'll still have to contend with inflation and anyone foolish enough to lend money to the US or any other western government, will get paid back with inflated currencies and thus, lose on their investment.
No sir, debt matters very much, so much so, that I propose, that there is no way that the United States can ever pay off theirs unless drastic, painful measures are implemented. This realization, perhaps, explain why the western powers are so bent on urging on, a nuclear war. Perhaps, in their minds that's the only way to save their sham Ponzi scheme.