@Moon@jeffcliff@cel@chjara@thendrix@EU_Commission Vegans misunderstanding beekeeping is one of my biggest annoyances. Genuinely infuriates me that they think it's exploitative and harmful. Even "small" things like varroa require a lot of care to deal with, and any half decent keeper will be providing a much better life for their swarms than the wild would.
> But i have no moral or practical opposition to veganism.
Veganism as i've usually seen it in the wild usually excludes honey, which is out of some kind of misguided concern for honeybees. I'm pretty sure bees don't care that we take their honey - especially if we plant them flowers.
@cel@chjara@thendrix@EU_Commission vegetarianism is great, i believe it should be augmented with some animal products though so I'm not keen on veganism. But i have no moral or practical opposition to veganism. In fact I think the moral component of it is admirable.
@Moon@thendrix@EU_Commission i mean nobody's saying to stop eating meat entirely well that'd be ideal but not gonna happen just that insects provide a good, cheap and not resource intensive way to get animal proteins in diet
@chjara@thendrix@EU_Commission btw part of my aversion is simply that, the people that want you to eat bugs will continue to eat steak. also racist bodybuilders on twitter were right again.
@Moon@thendrix@EU_Commission those are palm weevil larvae i think they're invasive little fuckers, pretty much destroyed palm populations around the mediterranean
@Moon@EU_Commission okay nevermind they do talk about human parasites but i mean insects are meat meat is potentially full of diseases that's always an issue, not something specific to insects
The WEF and the WEF are currently waging a war on agriculture. You're currently seeing a bunch of countries with angry farmers because they "have to drop the pesticide and pollution that cattle produces". The pesticide shit will enormously drop the crops wield while the cattle pollution is hot bullshit and it's pretty much an attempt to have an industrial takeover of farms
And all of this is happening mysteriously during bad turmoil, fabricated turmoils in which the lockdowns were pretty much found to be rather ineffective. Which also mysteriously the WEF's book hoped for a pandemic to switch to this great reset