@enigmatico@fedi.absturztau.be My USB C ethernet hub gets too hot to touch as soon as I connect an ethernet cable to it. However it functions fine.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 18:57:06 JST SuperDicq -
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:modeus:【Ξnigmatico】 ? (enigmatico@fedi.absturztau.be)'s status on Tuesday, 30-Aug-2022 18:57:07 JST :modeus:【Ξnigmatico】 ? Also are USB hubs a good thing? As someone who has studied a little bit of electronics, connecting appliances in parallel to a power source that is not meant for it might be a little bit of a bad idea. Plus bandwidths will be lower since they are shared through the same port.
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