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A friend is trying to run DaVinci Resolve on a fresh, vanilla install of Pop!_OS but it keeps failing to find the GPU - a Radeon RX470.
Does anyone have experience with this issue? I figured it's missing OpenCL drivers but adding these didn't help - DaVinci just doesn't list the GPU on the list of available cards.
:pcblank: :blobcatthinkingglare:
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@Polychrome Why is your friend shooting themselves in the foot with proprietary malware?
A good friend would recommend straight ffmpeg, KDEnlive and/or blender.
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@quad >I don't think the open source drivers do compute for that card
The AMDGPU drivers aren't even "open source", while they're released under the MIT expat license, they do not operate without proprietary software in the form of loadable firmware running on the GPU.
mesa is free software and does implement opencl, although not completely - the opencl implementation works just fine with free software programs like waifu2x-convertor-cpp mind you.
Proprietary malware tends to require the newest versions of opencl and doesn't account for incomplete implementations pretty much.
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@Polychrome I don't think the open source drivers do compute for that card (At least not properly) so you'll most likely need to install the proprietary amdgpu-pro components