"I am an avid reader of #operaismo and of pre-Empire Negri, and also at the opposite end, the #Wertkritik school, in my view the best heirs to #Critical#Theory (Hans-Georg Backhaus, Helmut Reichelt, Michael Heinrich, but also the unruly genius, #Robert#Kurz, and the “cult” periodicals of this tendency, Krisis, Streifzüge, Exit!) /…/ The greatest impact came, however, from #Moishe#Postone’s magnum opus." – Gáspár Miklós Tamás
"You can see that any honest conservative re-foundation of “democratic” society, as in the case of Simone Weil’s London writings (in fact, her testament) will have to ban pluralism and the autonomy of the subject; it would lead to the self-annihilation of the Western liberal state." – Gáspár Miklós Tamás, in the interview "The Left and Marxism in Eastern Europe" (2009) https://mediationsjournal.org/articles/the-left-and-marxism-in-eastern-europe
@rasmusfleischer This interview is tremendous. I always struggled to understand Tamás's texts, because I didn't know where he was coming from. The interview paints a whole forgotten world.