From a guardian article about the leaked section of an upcoming IPCC report:
"The top 10% of emitters globally, who are the wealthiest 10%, contribute between 36 and 45% of emissions, which is 10 times as much as the poorest 10%, who are responsible for only about three to 5%, the report finds. “The consumption patterns of higher income consumers are associated with large carbon footprints. Top emitters dominate emissions in key sectors, for example the top 1% account for 50% of emissions from aviation,” the summary says."
We've said this before but we'll say it again:
If you talk about how "we" are "destroying the planet" or how "humanity" is responsible for global warming, you are effectively covering up the fact that *specific* people have taken *specific* actions to create this situation.
Those people are overwhelmingly white & overwhelmingly wealthy.
To act like it's "everyone's" responsibility is effectively victim blaming.