Jay 8@ - 11h @jay.bsky.team this is not true — jeromy was not here for the decision to do mutes and not blocks. the team was just 4 people then, and we did mutes and not blocks because the federation architecture was not finished, and blocking requires cooperation across all entities in a network i block someone on my server. ok. where does that information get stored? just my server? then other servers don’t know to respect it. ok, i publish it then. what if the other server doesn't listen? what if there's services beyond servers? (there are) what if i don't want my blocks to be public? what do we do if an aggro server refuses to respect my block? we had to answer all these questions, about an architecture that was not settled. it was simply not possible on the time constraints we had with 3 engineers. we worked the week between christmas and new year to get mutes and basic moderation functions in to prioritize safety before we even got to 1k users. what you're seeing now is the effects of unexpected hype/growth overtaking us. if you cannot deal without blocks, come back later. this is a beta.