a signup form with a gender field. the gender field has a dropdown with different levels, and its contents change depending on which one is selected.
beginner: radio buttons between man, woman, non-binary
intermediate: slider between masculine and feminine
advanced: three sliders: masculine/feminine, agender/hypergender, queer/normative
expert: this one has a lot.
5 sliders:
- hypomasculine / hypermasculine
- hypofeminine / hyperfeminine
- gendersolid / genderfluid
- cis / trans
- queer / normative
a grid between star signs and celestial bodies
a color picker for aura
4 more sliders:
- nerd / jock
- wretched / ethereal
- herbivore / carnivore
- cringe / based
a grid between good/neutral/evil and lawful/neutral/chaotic
5 more sliders:
- pure of heart, dumb of ass / villain (sexy)
- hoarder / spartan
- top / bottom
- cats / dogs
- podcasts / music
hardcore: a textbox
elevated: yes / no