NAACP criticized for convention site BILOXI (AP) - Jewish and black honoring Hitler at his Las Vegas leaders are upset with NAACP casino. The commission also officials for holding the group's placed restrictions, including a regional convention at the Imperi-ban on additional Hitler parties, al Palace, whose owner has had on his casino license in the state. Parties in the past honoring Adolf One party featured a picture of Engelstad in a Nazi uniform. Julian Bond, chairman of the Engelstad apologized and said he National Association for the was not a Nazi sympathizer. Advancement of Colored People, NAACP officials on the Missis- said he did not know about Imper-sippi Gulf Coast said Imperial ial Palace owner Ralph Palace has not signed a reciprocal Englestad's ties to Hitler until initiative pledging to do business after the convention had been with minority businesses, as have planned. other casinos, but was selected Bond, who spoke at the conven-anyway. tion last weekend, said the group will not return to the casino for "The Imperial Palace had the amount of space we needed. When future events. we found out about the other stuff, "I was surprised when I read it was too late to cancel," said where the convention was being Gwen Holmes, NAACP state con- held,' said Milton Grishman, for-ference chairman. "What this does mer district president of B'nai is send out mixed signals. We said B'rith, a national Jewish advocacy one thing, and did another.' organization. "The