An email addressed to with the subject line "Recognize Your Workers!" It reads, "Ethan, As a loyal customer who has discovered and funded some of my favorite bands via the Bandcamp website this past decade, I am extremely dismayed to hear that you are not voluntarily recognizing your workers' union. Here's the thing, there's already a union at Bandcamp and whether or not you choose to recognize it is entirely besides the point. The only impact your actions have right now is on my opinion of the way you conduct your business, and I hate to say it, but that opinion is in a steep decline since I've heard this news. I am writing to ask you and Epic to uphold your workers' right to form an inclusive union and stop all of this disgusting (and quite frankly embarrassing) union-busting. Bandcamp has been a shining outlier in the music industry the past few years, and I am deeply disappointed to see a platform founded on ideals I agree with throw them all away to stomp on the rights of its own employees. All workers deserve a seat at the table. Do the right thing. -- Josh"