A twitter thread that starts with a quote tweet. The original tweet says “Amazon should replace local libraries to save Taxpayers money” The rest of the thread goes as follows: Are you out of your fucking mind I have already fuckin had to do this once and I honestly don't have the goddamn time to do it again you elitist, out of touch jackwagon. Take your privatize everything bullshit and shove it up your trickle down ass. We are out here just trying to survive, we are out here trying to provide what services we can to the people who need them and you want to take that little bit of public space left and give it to motherfucking amazon so you can save three bucks a month? Fuck you, fuck your libertarian bullshit ideals, fuck Amazon and their fucking indentured servitude labor practices, and fuck anyone who wants to take away the last remaining vestiges of community space. Fuck you. Every time one of you asshole elitist snobby motherfuckers thinks a good way to save two bucks a month and stick it to poor people is to close libraries, I will be here to tell you to go fuck yourselves. And please consider this a giant fuck you from the library community at large, most of whom cannot tweet like this for risk of their jobs, whereas you can tweet that you'd like them all unemployed and you'll probably get a raise. So on behalf of librarians everywhere, fuck you.