I have this beginning of a hypothesis that what we currently call "neurotypical" is a genetic adaptation (a quick calculation gave me roughly 7000 years, so about 250 generations) to city life.
My current idea is that city life requires people to filter out much of their surroundings, and even many of the social cues of their fellow city dwellers, because otherwise they would be in constant overload. This could explain their muted cognitive and emotional profile and their more adaptive social profile.
Anyway, just a thought for now.
PS: Wouldn't it be typical for Global North city dwellers to center themselves as the norm?
@evan My suggestion for a poll: How many movies did you see in the theatre in the last year?
I saw one, I think, and it wasn't nominated for an Oscar. Busy with things other than movies and TV at this point in my life.
My answer was "No".
I had a discussion yesterday with my wife about continuing relationships with friends and family who voted Republican.
I said I wasn't going to maintain that connection anymore. I hate the phrase that is already being tossed around again... "We can have a difference of opinion and still be friends."
Look... a difference of opinion is:
— it's okay to put pineapple on pizza,
— Batman could totally beat up Superman or
— the ’77 Yankees were a better team than the ’96 Yankees.
Those are differences of opinion.
But if you voted for Trump and any other Republican, we have a difference of morals.
You have told me with one action that you are a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, a xenophobe and a transphobe. You are complicit in helping to eradicate me. You have told me you believe bringing down the cost of eggs is more important than protecting basic freedom in this country.
You are not worth my time anymore and I do not want you in my life.
My wife doesn't understand. She thinks people can still be friends even though they disagree.
Me: I was sneak up on during the middle of the night by people who hate me and wanted to hurt me. I was lucky enough to wake up on time, before they managed to pull their "just a prank bruh", but it still deepened my already huge sleep problems for the rest of my life.
My step mom:
Oh, I wish someone did that to me 😍
I do technically but nothing serious. I put a couple hundred into some meme stocks during peak COVID and then shifted that into dividend stocks. It’s an extremely small portfolio with no significant impact on my life.
My real investment is my 401K which has a 20% return so far. I wish I would have set one up sooner
I have 5% interest from One which probably has the most immediate significant impact
And I pass as many transactions as possible through my Apple Card for cash back
One of my colleagues said his 13yo daughter started her period yesterday for the first time in her life.
My other colleague (45m) was horrified and didn't like hearing the word period.
So I talked about periods. And asked about periods. And explained about periods. And used the word period 7 or 8 times. This dude's got young daughters as well... Anyway.
Then we talked about Shark Week.
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