@ircmer no hay versión para dispositivo móvil… desde Librewolf recomiendan para Android IronFox https://gitlab.com/ironfox-oss/IronFox
Te adjunto la página donde lo indican… https://librewolf-net.translate.goog/docs/faq/?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=es&_x_tr_hl=es&_x_tr_pto=rq&_x_tr_hist=true
Gracias de corazón por comentar 😉😉
@CorioPsicologia Por cierto, me está resultando muy útil https://www.lokjo.com/ porque tiene vista de satélite, que es lo que me lleva de tanto en cuanto a Google Maps. A veces necesitas ver el territorio y no el mapa.
En el móvil llevo un "wrapper" de Google Maps: https://gitlab.com/divested-mobile/maps
Pero ahora me veo yendo a Lokjo casi siempre para mis necesidades satelitales ¡uno menos, vamoss!
I can see it, but it's on gitlab pages and they are giving a weird redirect before taking me to the site.
Please try: https://django-activitypub-toolkit-879094.gitlab.io/ as it might be a DNS issue.
Locale and/or device spoofing possible
with Aurora Store/Android
I'm sick with a cold and for some reason I wrote this
I found an incompatibility between #SWIG 4.3 and #apparmor that I don't fully understand. A tuple created with %append_output contains an extra argument. This is noted in the SWIG 4.3.0 changelog but I don't know how to fix this while the typemaps are shared between python, perl and ruby.
I described the issue in the apparmor issue tracker, along with my analysis of 4.2 vs 4.3 wrapper at https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/issues/475
Do you know someone who knows swig and can shed some light on a possible solution?
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