Screenshot of "All Ubuntu Startup & Shutdown Sounds" video playing, with "Big Think" videos listed as 6 out of 8 recommended videos.
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YouTube is the new controlled cable television. YouTube intentionally laid the groundwork (implementing Content ID) to hopefully win over the media companies (which they have), by tilting it in their favor. There was also the opportune moment of the Las Vegas mass shooting incident that was used as an excuse to inorganically shove MSM outlets to the front for any 'news-related searches'. There's also weird anomalies with content recommendation that almost feel like "re-education" recommendation bubbles. The more that I didn't click on any of it's forced recommendations, the more it saturated it with them.
Attached are screenshots from YouTube in a private session, after I watched half-way into "Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy and Conservative Close-Mindedness" posted on "Big Think" on YouTube, then watching through several completely unrelated videos after, such as older Linux startup sounds, where it's to the point of 100% of the first page recommendations, and this persisting for majority of that night.