This afternoon I've received 5 sensors of a certain type¹ I've bought in the weekend.
They were in individual plastic bags (purple), I've put them all in a single plastic bag, and put the bag back in the box they came in.
In the last hour or so I've taken one of them out, connected it to the microcontroller on a breadboard I use for these things, programmed it to use it, it worked. Then I decided to take another microcontroller whose sensor² was broken, and change it with one of these.
So I picked up the soldering iron, all of the accessories, and changed³ the board that connects the microcontroller and the sensor, soldered headers to *another* one of the new sensors, and update the firmware, and everything worked.
And now I wanted to put away the remaining ones in their right place, and I can't find them anymore.
They aren't near in the box, they aren't near the upgraded microcontroller, they aren't in the plastic box where they are supposed to end up
Aaaand thanks everybody, while writing this I looked under the soldering mat (which I had put back into its place) and the sensors were there!
¹ BME280 on a breakout board, but that's not the issue
² SHT20, it had started to give absurd humidity values
³ it's an I2C device. There are 4 pins. *why* is everybody putting them in different combinations??? why can't they settle on something like always putting them in the same order??? (maybe the one used by easyC / StemmaQT, since it's already out there?)
In this non-enterprise scenario there are basically 6 broad layers this problem could be. Application, Security, OS, Network device, or Server. Many paths. It can be paralyzing, this is where experience comes in.
In large incidents you may encounter varying levels of "hot potato" between departments where no path is selected because there is no incident command. You can learn to be that person.
#Israel started demolishing houses in south #Lebanon, repeating the same methodology as in #Gaza. They want to make it impossible for Lebanese to come back.
At the same time, the Zionist entity bombed one of the crossings with #Syria, impeding refugees from going to the neighboring country and aid from getting in.
In #Beirut they keep bombing the shia majority suburb of Dahye adn the Druze town of Choueifat, destroying hospitals and murdering medical staff.
Some days, I wonder how many more years open source will last as a useful thing. My perception is that maintainers are aging, burdens are increasing, and liability pressures are going to show up sooner or later to put the final knife in.
In ten years, will the Linux kernel, gcc, and so on be maintained almost entirely by people paid by their employer to do so? (Maybe this is already the case.)
Wow, I really phoned this conclusion in.
In my home city of San Francisco, non-citizen residents can vote in school board elections, but not for other offices or on propositions.
In my home city of Montreal, as in the rest of Canada, suffrage is limited to Canadian citizens.
I think residents of a city deserve to participate in the public life of that city, even if they can't at the national or regional level.
There was a rustling at the window; the witch gestured in that direction until it opened enough for the familiar to wriggle in.
In wriggled a duck.
"You're not the usual... bird."
The waterfowl wagged it's tail eagerly; just because it wasn't a raven didn't mean it didn't want to be paid before delivery.
A handful of oats later, the witch read the message the duck had brought.
"Help. Captured by nixies."
That somewhat explained things.
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