I've been getting a lot of Mastodon sidekiq errors: ActivityPub:ProcessingWorker "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::CardinalityViolation: ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a second time HINT: Ensure that no rows proposed for insertion within the same command..."
It always comes back to a post that is from "snac/2.71"
The specific argument starts out with:
post ID (I think), "{\n \"@context\": \"https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams\",\n \"type\": \"Update\",\n \"id\".....redacted
@tom @MrPresidentTom@ugs.tomkahe.com doesn't work
curl -H 'Accept: application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams"' https://ugs.tomkahe.com/user/8869bc26-e9f5-4670-85a2-56c272512bd6Instead of sending ActivityPub actor, the server sends a redirect
>I'll try to make sure that we can interoperate without breaking the FEP semantics if possible, but some places, it's not going to be possible.
If you want to see how it all works in practice, there is @nomad
It is a Mastodon-compatible FEP-ef61 actor that is managed from a client.
>If it's a new protocol, I don't know why we're still doing a fragment for the key ID.
'ap' URLs resolve to ActivityStreams documents, and fragments are useful for pointing to specific sections within those documents. The URL you're citing is just an example, and implementers are not required to use fragments for key IDs (although that might be a good idea).
I shall change fragment ID in this example to something neutral.
>I'm using RSA keys so that it's easy to port myself from Pleroma. It is entirely possible that there is something I am missing and that we shouldn't be using RSA keys; maybe key algo is overspecifying.
Nowadays security specialists advise against using RSA (1, 2), and some modern standards do not support it (for example, there is no RSA cryptosuite for Data Integity, which we use for signing objects).
Fediverse needs to migrate to something else and EdDSA seems to be the best option (according to the rough consensus among fedi devs). Also, Ed25519 key size is very small, that's pretty cool.
>I like this, but I wonder if there's a way around it without hard-coding another URL.
Yes, follow-your-nose approach is mentioned in "Discussion - Discovering locations". Existing implementations rely on well-known locations, but I think we can support follow-your-nose if needed.
>> The client MUST specify an Accept header with the application/ld+json; profile="https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams" media type.
>This is actually objectively wrong. I don't know why this should be done rather than using the HTTP standard interpretation of "Accept:" headers. If the client doesn't include "application/ld+json" or "*/*", then you just return a 406. The way Pleroma/Masto do these things kind of shits on RFC 2616 and I really love RFC 2616.
But the FEP should say something about Accept header and media type, I don't see any way around that. The exact same requirement exists in ActivityPub spec.
How do you prefer it to be written?
>> Portable objects
>This part, I don't know how I'm going to manage this. The "attributedTo" being tied to the gateway URLs, and then those potentially changing
IDs are not supposed to change. You include this special query parameter ("location hint") when you create an object, and then it stays there even if you start using a different gateway.
Maybe there's a better way to provide location hints, I don't know. Existing implementations use compatible IDs (regular 'http' URLs with 'ap' URL appended), so not much thought has been put into pure 'ap' IDs.
>that's going to be a mess with content-addressed storage
How do you process Update activities then?
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