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@pernia @7666 @Merc @Tony @VIPPER @aosoth @chog9 @i @meso @nimt @nyanide @pwm @rher @shibao @sun @sysrq @syzygy @teratology @threat @twl
> Your shit didnt work yesterday.
You said it didn't work *today*. Yesterday the net was up and down.
> git repo of some vaporware.
It's not vaporware if it is actually working and serving a bunch of traffic.
> What am i supposed to see?
You are supposed to see whether or not you can actually get to that URL, and if so, then you are supposed to verify that you can get to the image. If you can get to the image, then it is not a problem with the image being served or with your network or with the server itself: it is either your instance or your browser or your browser's interaction with the server. If you can't even get to it by clicking, then it's your browser or your network. If you can't even get to it with curl, then it's your network. If you can't get to it even through Tor, then maybe my server died. But my server can't have died because I can see it.
It's like walking up to the ticketing desk at an airport and telling them you're in the wrong place and then they have to ask you a series of questions to figure out if you bought a ticket and got on the wrong plane or if your plane got diverted and you're trying to figure out when the next plane leaves or if you haven't even bought a ticket and are trying to buy one.