Post on X by Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts ) posted 1 day ago: "Would rather the man in my life eat soup in public or drink a milkshake out of a straw than leave me and our newborn twins for a twenty-something coworker, but maybe that’s just me." Below, a reply from Acyn (@Acyn ) posted 1 day ago quotes: "WATTERS: I have rules for men. Like you don’t eat soup in public. You don’t cross your legs. And you don’t drink from a straw. His excuse was I was drinking a milk shake. Again, you shouldn’t be drinking a milk shake. Milk shakes are for kids." The reply includes an image of a man in a suit on a Fox News set, with the chyron: "WALZ: HE SCARES MAGA MEN WITH HIS MASCULINITY" and the show title "THE FIVE."