“I was wondering,” he whispered hoarsely, “if you’d got anything a bit…you know…sharper?” The big man gave him a carefully blank look. “How d’you mean, sharper?” he said. “You know,” said Moist. He cleared his throat. “More…pointed.” The door clicked shut as the last of the customers, sated enough on pins for one day, stepped out. Dave watched them go and then turned his attention back to Moist. “A bit of a connoisseur, are we, sir?” he said, winking. “A serious student,” said Moist. “Most of the stuff here, well…” “I don’t touch nails,” said Dave sharply. “Won’t have ’em in the shop! I’ve got a reputation to think about! Little kids come in here, you know!” “Oh no! Strictly pins, that’s me!” said Moist hastily.