Large bold title at the top: > STOP DOING BORDERS Below the title, four bullet points in black text: • FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT WAS NOT MEANT TO BE RESTRICTED • YEARS OF DRAWING LINES ON MAPS YET NO BENEFIT FOUND FOR EXCLUDING PEOPLE BASED ON WHAT LINES THEY LIVE WITHIN • Want to draw lines anyway for a laugh? We have a tool for that: It’s called “WORLDBUILDING” • “Yes please suspend HUMAN RIGHTS near the lines? Please make it illegal to cross the lines without CERTAIN PAPERS?” – Statements dreamed up by the utterly Authoritarian Below the bullet points, a paragraph in black text: > LOOK at what States have been demanding your Respect for all this time, with all the maps & walls they’ve made for them (These are REAL Borders, enforced by REAL States) Under this paragraph, three photographs in a row, each showing some form of border fence or barrier. Beneath each photograph is a row of question marks (`?????`). Below the images, in large bold text: > “Hello may I see your passport please?” Finally, in slightly smaller, bold text at the bottom: > They have played us for absolute fools