An alien spaceship swoops down and lands on Earth. A little alien steps out and says something to Opus in an alien language. Opus has his hands up, "Don't shoot! You want me to take you to our leader, right? Ya kinda caught us at an awkward time, leader-wise. Coming up, we got, uh... Mike Dukakis or George Bush." The alien says something, ending in "Shrimp and Wimp?" Opus says to readers, "He saw last week's episode! Plus of course, we've got Bentsen and Quayle." The alien says, "The codger and the dodger?" Opus says, "Exactly, sir! So would any of them be a suitable opponent to face in a battle for domination of our planet?" The alien blows a triple-mouthed raspberry. As the alien begins to climb aboard his ship, Opus says, "Well don't go home made." The alien mumbles something ending with, "... Gregory Peck!!" The last caption reads, "Thus, Earth was narrowly saved from a bold alien assault. By default."