Chooms, today I want to proudly show you why the Fediverse is top-notch.
I always wanted to learn to draw, but I never quite managed to create something cool. In the Fediverse, I frequently saw people learning things that seemingly brought them joy, and that motivated me so much that I started learning to create artworks about a year ago. I began with drawing and then moved on to vectors (which suit me better), and thanks to your feedback, I kept improving (at least that's what I believe).
And now comes a twist: thanks to the :corteximplant: community, this amazing artwork came to life. I've occasionally posted its development locally on this instance, and everyone who gave feedback has been immortalized in my artwork.
I present to you, :ivy: Ivy. A street kid from Night City, she helps you with every gig and hangs out with you at the place where the former legends of the CORTEX IMPLANT and HACKERS TOWN gang used to meet!
I spent two weeks working on this artwork, and every minute was a joy! So much fun that you can even get prints to hang in your space - if you’d like.
:kofi: A3 Print / A6 Postcard / Ivy Sticker / Crystal Cyber Sticker
#Art #Cyberpunk #Print