It’s quite ironic that #Russia constitution still contains this clause right in the beginning:
Article 15: 4 The generally recognised principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those provided for by law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.
According to this very clause, everything Russia did in #Ukraine since 2014, including annexation of Crimea, war in Donbas and subsequent declared annexation of four more regions were illegal even according to Russian constitution.
And then there’s also this:
Art. 353 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1. Planning, preparation or unleashing of aggressive war - is punished by imprisonment for the term from seven up to fifteen years. 2. Waging a war of aggression - shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of ten to twenty years.
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