Karlo Mikić: "We have to do X", "We have to abolish Y", and after we've done enough of Xs and abolished enough of Ys then the revolution will be accomplished and we'll have communism. This kind attitude and sort of thinking reduces communist theory to some weird materialist voluntarism, in which materialism stands just for us trying to influence social change through some forms of purported social causality. All the while the task of doing/abolishing any individual of the targeted phenomena is ridiculous, while doing/abolishing them jointly proves to be impossible. But if this time we just find a better strategy for communicating our ideas and make the working class realize that's in their best interest, and find a way to scale up, and resist the counter-revolutionary sabotage, and this, and that, and the other thing... All of this is incompatible with the materialist conception of history. Social forms don't end because enough of us got together with a brilliant plan that accounts for every defect which has to be rectified and set on a fresh basis. Enough of us eventually do all of that because the social form under which we live became untenable for reproducing our living conditions. And we do it in the ways that the decay of the current form itself developed over the course of its decay.