Star Trek The Next Generation scene. We're outside on a lush green planet in summertime. Young ensign Wesley Crusher, in a very large and very brown sweater, is talking to a blond girl in skimpy white outfit. In the background, multiple others are shown in a similar skimpy white outfits that feature a lot of skin. Like, let's just imagine for a moment this culture only has so much white fabric, but a shit ton of people, so they have to ration out only so much white fabric per bits to cover but that's absolutely all they get. That's this planet I think. There's also a dude running who looks weirdly happy. You can tell he's running because he's blurr'd. Ok, back to ol' brown sweater Wes, he's holding up both hands as if to display the size of something. Closed caption reads, "Um, about this long, this thick."