ISAS Information (four short news bites): (1) Comet Interceptor development has begun, with testing of the EFM (Electrical & Functional Model) and SQM (Structural Qualification Model) designed to confirm that the JAXA ultra-small probe can properly exchange electrical information with the ESA main spacecraft, and test feasibility of the structure. (2) After achieving a pinpoint Moon landing on January 20, 2024, with a precision of about 10m or less, with one of the world’s lightest lunar landers, the SLIM Project is officially complete! (3) The MAXI 15th Anniversary International Workshop was held at Nihon University in December. MAXI is an all-sky X-ray monitoring instrument mounted to the Japan Kibo module onboard the ISS, making discoveries such as the bright and variable black hole, MAXI J1820+070! (4) Akebono observed the Earth’s magnetosphere for 26 years, completing operations in 2015. The satellite has now re-entered the atmosphere.