"This is a challenging sort of idea to get our heads around, because Trump and Republicans are being treated as legitimate, and they will go on being treated as legitimate. The Republicans did win the election, after all, and electoral wins are very legitimizing—as they should be, in times of health for a democracy. And Republicans will indeed hold the offices they hold, and exercise the power such offices afford, which also lends the appearance of legitimacy. They'll be treated as legitimate by the media, and by corporate interests, and I imagine by most citizens, and they will certainly be treated as legitimate by the party that ought to be standing in opposition, the Democrats, most of whom will attend his inauguration in show of legitimacy, and congratulate themselves for their comity in the face of existential danger, praise themselves for their adherence to rules of propriety and regulation that have already been shredded and set on fire, celebrate their principled upholding of a democracy as they hand it over to be executed."