1. PERSONAL PROPERTY Includes al of the things you own as ar individual, including television, toothbrush your car object acquired by the money you made through working is yours by right 2. PRIVATE PROPERTY Includes none of the things you personally own and worked for it includes inings that make up the means of production, like en entire factory or grecory store, which a boss "owns and collects profit from. though they parform no labour 3. PUBLIC PROPERTY Includes when the of production are owned by the peopic who actually work there, such as the workers in a steel mill. Your boss is stealing from you! You work at a cellphone factory. You are paid $20 for each cellphone you produce. The cellphone that goes on to be sold in stores for $500. A small amount of the difference goes towards things like materials and advertising, but the vast majority geas straight into the pockets of your boss and the company shareholders In other words, you produce a cellphone worth $500, and your boss pocketed $480 of it for doing nothing. Your boss feels he is entitled to the money you create with your labour. because he arbitrarily owns the place you produced the cellphone in. This is the function of private property: to provide an avenue for your boss to collect the profit YOU create. "The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property." Karl Marx