procedural and substantive due process protections. These include at a minimum, but are not limited to, the issuance of a written proposal of disciplinary action or termination; an opportunity for the employee to respond and be represented by counsel (at his or her own expense); an opportunity for the employee to personally appear before a deciding official; and an opportunity to appeal any adverse decision that emerges out of that process. If you proceed with terminations and/or public exposure of terminated employees' identities, we stand ready to vindicate their rights through all available legal means. Of all people and entities, the Department of Justice and the FBI have a sacred obligation to keep the American people safe. You also have personally taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution, and you have ethical responsibilities as a Department employee and a member of the bar. Respectfully, the Department of Justice must not take any actions that would run counter to established policies, norms and the law. This letter is placing on notice the Department and those individuals implementing any such decisions that they will be held to account through all available legal means.