Regarding indoor hydroponics...
Most of my power consumption is through my grow lights (still way cheaper to grow than to buy at the grocery store).
I've thought about solar panels and batteries etc... but that costs a lot of money (I havent found a non-scam solution - still researching, but let me put this down for a second).
So I started thinking... instead of lining my roof or side walls with solar panels to power indoor LED grow lights...
...why not just install light collectors outside and funnel that light directly into my house and on too of my plants with fiber optics?!?!
Basically run cabling through my house to wall literal light sockets. And attach further cabling from there to my plant shelves and setups. I could still have LEDs for augmenting the grow space if needed or during stormy days for example... but even then there is light to be collected. Anyhow!)
Turns out other people have the same idea!
Here is a gentleman going a into detail on the math and science of it with a DIY project:
There are even some companies that do this!
Here's the basic idea (I stole this pic from
#solarPunk #indoorFarming #indoorGardening #hydroponics