This image appears to be a series of 9 cartoon-style illustrations arranged in a 3x3 grid, each with a single word or phrase beneath the character. The illustrations seem to be part of a larger message or statement when read together. Each illustration is color-coded in different shades (brown, blue, purple, pink, green, red, yellow, light blue, and orange) and features a simple cartoon character. The words/phrases shown in order are: "UNSKILLED" (with a character in a farmer's hat with a pitchfork) "LABOUR" (with a character holding what appears to be a broom or tool) "IS A" (with a character at what looks like a counter or desk) "CAPITALIST" (with a character seated at what might be a desk) "MYTH" (with a character surrounded by what appear to be glasses or cups) "USED TO" (with a character wearing a cap) "JUSTIFY" (with a character wearing what looks like safety gear) "POVERTY" (with a character holding what appears to be a pizza) "WAGES." (with a character in simple attire)