R L I know I'm not the most active on here, but I thought it was due time that | gave you all an explanation and an opportunity to show Zukerberg and the rest of his Meta team where they can put their "Masculine Energy”. Since a different tech oligarch purchased Xitter I've been spending my social media energy on Free Open Source Platforms, and have found it to be liberating, knowing that my data is mine, and that | can take it wherever I please, whenever | please. If you're tired of beaning shown what the algorithm and the Oligarchs want you to see, and you want to take back your feeds | encourage you to come join me In leave links to resources on how to get started below. You will be able to find me at twit.social/@bligvn. Now with all that said, I find myself in a difficult position as | would like to delete this account, but need to keep it open 50 that | can access the business manager for work. So if you post something here after February 1. 1will not see it, I will not engage with it. I will not help them, and they can take their "Masculine Energy back to the US I mentioned February 1st | will be reachable on Signal, my username at the moment is HE Feb. 15t you may find a delay in my responses if you're not using this platform. I'm happy to discuss these decisions, but this is not the platform for it