Worked like a charm • It worked very well. • Imaged hundreds of clusters selected from various X-ray catalogs. Built special purpose "Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array," eventually integrated into CARMA. • Science results included initial SZ mass scalings, pressure profiles, constraints on the matter density parameter Ω™ and the Hubble constant Ho. • But needed more sensitivity (faster mapping speed) to discover galaxy clusters in cosmological surveys (more on that later). • Motivated using interferometry to measure intrinsic cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropy. Image of a galaxy cluster, seen as a blob with a red through blue rainbow color map. The densest areas are in the center. Galaxy cluster CL 0016+16, z = 0.55, SZE σ=15µK, contours-30 μΚ (ΒΙΜΑ) X-ray false color (ROSAT PSPC).