It sounds like you, like me, are complete dogshit at high-level maths. (Me, 20 years ago: "the fuck is a complex number? there's an imaginary bit? okay, then why not just imagine any answer you want. 4938. Boom. Imagined.) This is a barrier to completing a CS degree but it can be overcome if you're persistent and lucky. I fixed it by flunking and retaking my university math courses a bunch of times, with different professors, until they managed to get a D or C- level of the content through my thick skull. I had to do extra well in other courses to keep my GPA up, but it helped that I was good at coding and writing. I took Calc 2 _three times_. That A+ in "Comparative Mythology" was really clutch at keeping the whole project afloat. (To this date I can tell you key details about the Iliad but I can't remember how to integrate a damn thing) Remember: the minimum passing grade in a university math course is all you need!