“We started to look at different ways that women's identity characteristics were impacting them. And what we found to summarize is that almost any identity characteristic about a woman can be used as an excuse to discriminate against her. And lookism or this appearance bias was one form. And so what was » interesting about lookism is that it's traditionally been defined as like a beauty bias. So like, you know, where attractive people have advantages that unattractive people do not. However, what we found in our research was that for women, it didn't matter, it was just a general appearance bias. It didn't matter what the women look like, whether they are perceived to be attractive or unattractive, whether they're tall, whether they were short, whether they were perceived to be overweight, or whether they're perceived to be thin, whatever type of clothing they were wearing. So what we found was again, no matter what a woman was, what her appearance was, it was just another way that she could be criticized or actively discriminated against.” From Stressed But Well Dressed hosted by Dahlia Stroud: Season 7, Episode 3: Lookism and why it is Pretty Problematic (with Dr Amy Diehl), 17 Jan 2025