The text: A young journalist just sent me an email asking "how do you pitch documentaries?" | liked my own reply so here it is: Don't pitch. Ever. The age of pitching is over. That was a cute thing people did in the 2010s. Now it's 2025 and no one says yes to anything. Every minute you spend building Canva decks and booking meetings will be a minute wasted. Pitching is a synonym for wasting time. Instead you must make everything yourself. Anything that can be a TV show can start as a TikTok or YouTube series. Then if it works, you'll have a proven audience. And you'll own 100% of the IP. But don't embark on making giant complicated projects that you'll give up on. Keep your ideas simple to execute and simple to click on. Stories about serial killers, billionaires and celebrities will always find an audience. Start there. Don't think like a journalist. Think like an influencer. Your goal is to build your own audience on socials, YouTube and podcast platforms. That's the only way you'll thrive. Good luck.