The Sealion cartoon from Wondermark. A couple are driving in their steam car when one of them mentions sealions. The ensuing dialog … Woman: I DON'T MIND MOST MARINE MAMMALS. BUT SEA LIONS? I COULD DO WITHOUT SEA LIONS. Man: DON'T SAY THAT OUT LOUD! Sealion (appearing suddenly): I WOULD LIKE TO HAVE A CIVIL CONVERSATION ABOUT YOUR STATEMENT. PARDON ME, I COULDN'T HELP BUT OVERHEAR... Man: NOW YOU'VE DONE IT Woman (to sealion): GO AWAY Sealion (at dinner table): THERE'S NO NEED TO RAISE YOUR VOICE, I'M RIGHT HERE. I'M JUSTCURIOUS IF YOU HAVE ANY SOURCES TO BACK UP YOUR OPINION? Woman (in bed): YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE Sealion (in bedroom): YOU MADE A STATEMENT IN PUBLIC FOR ALL TO HEAR. ARE YOU UNABLE TO DEFEND THE STATEMENTS YOU MAKE? OR SIMPLY UNWILLING TO HAVE A REASONED DISCUSSION?