u/tjnich04 avatar tjnich04 • 4y ago what are we risking by placing UST into anchor and earning 20% APY? is the only risk in trusting anchor to not rug pull? how legit is anchor? Upvote 3 Downvote Award Share Share alleyehave • 4y ago Anchor is designed and orchestrated by the team behind all of Terra. And if you do 5 minutes of homework on that and the VCs that back them, you'll know its legit. But yes, the biggest threat is a rugpull, and that risk is as minimal as possible in the defi space with the Terra team. Upvote 4 Downvote Award Share Share u/FearTheSid avatar FearTheSid • 4y ago By the power of defi my friend. You realize that banks could give you 20% apy and they would still be making profits right? Upvote 3 Downvote Award Share Share u/PtiCon avatar PtiCon • 4y ago Be more specific please. How? Where these 20%++ come from ? Who pays 20% to the bank and is happy with that to do it again and again, and why? I see a lot of luna enthusiast saying this specific sentense but i dont get it and no one has been able to explain so far. Wouldnt be all just hoping? Thank you.