A comic. Britain and Sweden (depicted as flag-coloured balls) are talking. Britain: A dog. Sweden: What's that, Brit? Britain: The dog. Two dogs. Sweden: Oh, conjugation. We have en hund, hunden, två hundar, hundarna. Germany arrives. Germany: Wait, I want try too! Britain: No! Bugger off, Germany Sweden: Nobody invited you! Germany (happily): Der Hund, Ein Hund, zwei Hunde… Britain: I said bugger off! Sweden: Oh dear… Germany (suddenly fierce): Den Hund, Einen Hund, dem Hund, Einem Hund, Des Hundes, Eines Hundes, Den Hunden, Der Hunden! Britain: Bollocks! Sweden: Ughh… Finland peeks into the frame. Finland: Hey, Sweden! Hey, guys! Can I join in? Germany: Nein nein nein, you go away, Finland! Britain: Dear Good, no! Sweden: Nej! Finland: koira, koiran, koiraa, koiran again, koirassa, koirasta [9 more] Germany: Mein Gott… Britain: Why is this happening? Sweden: (empty stare) Finland: (continues with 45 conjugations of koira) Germany: This are even worse than I had imagined… Britain whimpers. Finland: (continues with approximately 300 conjugations of koira) Finland (happily): …and koirinenmekokaan! Germany: Thank God it's finally over… Britain: Can you speak some German again? Finland (gleefully): And now for the plural forms!