There also tends to be a common misconception, or perhaps deception, that only right-leaning sources are labeled unreliable, and only left-leaning sources reliable. While there are more unreliable sources on the list that lean far to the right than to the left, this is a product of the “post-truth” willingness on the right to publish falsehoods that are anywhere from reckless to intentionally fabricated. Organizations like One America News Network, Newsmax, and Project Veritas — all of which have repeatedly published false claims — have made their way onto the list thanks to this predilection. This is not an exclusively right-wing phenomenon — I myself found myself embroiled in long discussions several years ago about whether a very liberal website should be described as “fake news” on Wikipedia (and it is, as of writing) — but it’s far more common on the right. A mere glance at the perennial sources list is enough to disprove the suggestion that it slices cleanly along right/left lines. Left-wing publications like CounterPunch, the Daily Kos, and Occupy Democrats are in the “unreliable” list. Both right-leaning publications like National Review and Washington Examiner and the left-leaning Media Matters for America, Rolling Stone, and ThinkProgress are labeled “partisan sources”. And right-leaning outlets like The Telegraph, The Hill, Reason, and the Wall Street Journal have earned spots in the “generally reliable” section.