<« ScottWallace 3,107 posts Posts (R CTo I EH Media Scott Wallace @63green - 2d As I read it, MAGA is well and truly dead, and the DJT support is evaporating like a fog, as supporters realize bringing in all those Dems to the cabinet was a bad idea. Dude is over before he began. (O] o1 Q13 TR Scott Wallace @63green - 2d Republicans now have zero chance of holding Congress in 2026, since they’ve decided to become the new Democrats and throw the MAGA base overboard. H1B is just the beginning. Zero chance. Qs n2 (i 14k [ <@ Scott Wallace @63green - 3d I no longer trust Donald Trump, nor anyone surrounding him. He’s a one-termer, and he’s going to do what he wants, not what MAGA “demands.” MAGA is dead, you just don’t know it yet. Stop genuflecting. (O, I W1 Q24 li1.8K Scott Wallace @63green - 3d Unfollowing all the Donald Trump