The Red Cow of Warlin: At the southern end of the village of Warlin, between the roads to Neubrandenburg and Pragsdorf, there is a large, sandy hill in which a barrow was discovered. Linked to this hill is the legend of the red cow. When the cowherd drove the cows to the grazing ground on the first of May, a red cow would arrive from the direction of the hill and join them. Every evening, when the other cows were driven back home, she vanished. But in the fall she would return with a golden ribbon tied around her neck. This was the cowherd’s payment. As soon as the ribbon was taken off her, she would return to the hill and only come back in the next spring. When once a craftsman’s journeyman traveled past the hill, he saw the red cow lying on the ground as if ill. He notified the cowherd of this, but as the latter arrived the cow was gone and has not been seen since. Source: Bartsch, K. Sagen, märchen und gebräuche aus Mecklenburg, 1879. p. 139f.