I'm switching to [bluest](https://docs.rs/bluest/0.6.7/bluest/) because the only maintainer of `btleplug` is a sex toy maker from "Nonpolynomial LLC". It's unlikely for me to use this crate anymore. I has been annoyed by the huge horrible icon in <https://crates.io/crates/buttplug>, which I occasionally discovered before checking the meaning of "butt" in the dictionary. After that I decided to report that crate on crates.io, however the reporting web page doesn't seems to be responding (I make deal with the crates.io bug later). <https://www.rust-lang.org/policies/code-of-conduct> <https://github.com/stumpsyn/policies/blob/master/citizen_code_of_conduct.md> (4. Unacceptable Behavior) Off-topic: As a non-Christian from China, I was suprised to see the guy named "Christian" talking to you friendly.