@Owl @charlie_root @Mark @tyler @sayartyler
I dont teach anymore. Havent taught in YEARS faggot.
And i understand germ theory and the LIES of it, because once you know, its not hard to destroy every last "research paper" within 5 minutes.
Also, didnt i tell your sorry ass to fucking provide me with a paper proving isolation AND contagion of a virus that followed the strict tenets of the scientific theory and you never did (YOU made the claim viruses exist, the responsibility is on YOU to prove infection AND contagion), which is why I have ignored your retarded ass for so long? You too scared to actually go look it up for fear of being made to look retarded?
Oh just so you know, I translated THIS research paper (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338788554_Detection_of_2019_novel_coronavirus_2019-nCoV_by_real-time_RT-PCR) into Japanese on my own. Guess what, within the ABSTRACT you can tell the paper is not legitimate research.
Then the results section, LOL First 2 sentences are proof they created this idea out of thin fucking air. And keep in mind, this is the ORIGINAL "research paper" on Convaids-19, the one that is the basis of ALL research down the line. If this is fraudulent, NONE of the other research stands on any sort of merit. Oh look at that, i actually did what I told your sorry ass to do, look up a research paper and link it, that took me all of 2 minutes, be a man and fucking post a link to a research paper and Ill be sure to destroy it within 5 minutes.
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