A tabby cat is looking into my office through the mosquito netting-covered window with a mix of curiosity and disdain. She's also trying to look like she hasn't been fed for days, but I can see through that. Right behind her is a solar panel that I have zip tied to the fencing outside the window. It's one of her favourite spots, because it provides shade from the midday sun, but allows here to spy on the birds in the palm trees at the same time as keeping an eye on me. On the terrace there is another solar panel, which I am currently running in series with the other one, but might experiment with running in parallel soon. Even further back is the above mentioned date palm tree with the pittance of dates the birds have left us, despite Rubia's guard. On the other side of the street a lone 'ornamental' olive tree is standing in front of a giant new house that is blocking our view. (no, I'm NOT BITTER AT ALL)