Tor cyper rrom: M amseren . Re: 288A-LA-237911, 05/06/2004 Highest classification of information stored in system:__un- classified System Data: Hardvare/configuration (CPU):___various computers in network Gperating System: Software: Security Features: Security Software Installed: _ yes (identify: will check and advise) ho Logon Warhlng Banner: Yes __No INTRUSION INFORMATION Access for intrusion: _Internet comnection _dial-up nunber N (insiden) If Internet: Internet address: Network name: - unknown Mathod: Technique (s) used in intrusion: (st provided) Path of intrusion: addreases: 1. 2. 8 . s. country: 1. 2. % i 5. facility: 1. 2. 5 i s5 Subject: UNSUB(S) (see title) Age: Tace: sex. ‘Baucation: Alias(err Mot ive: Group AffiTiation: Smployer: Known Accomplices:, Equipnent used: Hardware/configuration (CPU): Operating System: Software: Tmpace: ‘ Compromise of classified information: __ yes X no ‘ Bstimated number of computers affected:, | Estinated dollar loss to date: _ undetermined at date \ \ ’ ‘